Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Latest News...

Its amazing how time flies and although I intended to blog each week Ive missed my deadline Again!! (I hope thats not an indication of the way things are going to be??!!)

Well this weeks news is...Its arrived - yes our new 'Des Res' - Le caravan: here she is on the left in all her splendour (I can't wait to attack with bleach and other named cleaning products!!)
My brother's partner Treya sent me the image above of Wendy - Bob The Builders mate and her caravan - note the solar panels LOL!!!

So things are progressing well, our buyers surveyor came today so we now need to cross everything and hope that our house isn't riddled with wood worm or any other major illness that may jeopardise our venture - I really feel as though I'm holding my breath at the moment and will be hugely relieved once we finally get a date for moving...
photo 3: This is the position on site where the Studio will be built - the back of the stable in the paddock behind is just visible and we will back on to it  ..The next step is getting the Studio built - here are a couple of images again illustrating the way it will look - I am actually looking forward to living in this bijou dwelling! 

We've been over to the plot two or three times just clearing the very back of the garden - rotten branches , brambles & general debris and have amassed a great bonfire! We also dug a "nursery" bed for some of my potted plants - I have been dividing the perennials as there isn't much growing in the garden - I always seem to garden from scratch, spend a fortune and leave it 5 or 6 years later! there are some nice trees and we intend to plant lot of varieties of Maple as its called "Maple Barn"

Here are some drawings (below) sent to us by Oakwright - they have quoted for the timber frame but enclosed these lovely drawing which I wanted to share ...


And finally .....!! 

It was my birthday last week - I had a wonderful weekend and some lovely gifts but i have  to show you all one of my favourites!! Milo sent it from Germany - A Solar Powered Queen for the caravan!! Hilarious!!! did make me laugh.

...finally finally - I haven't been at my sewing machine in a while and therefore have little to show on the textile front - I am still attending Edwina's Tuesday group (its my day for calm and recharging!)we are working in black and white and learning flour resist - I will photograph the results and post here soon

So bye for now - keep looking at our progress 

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