Monday, 10 November 2014


November finds us working on the interior of the house finishing what is a very long list of jobs as you can see from the picture!!!

We have had the Rainwater harvesting  tank delivered - it took a while to get it down off the lorry but we managed it eventually. However the hole wasn't big enough!!! so poor Richard spent two days trying to dig a bigger hole and looked as though he had come in from the Somme! Nightmare! We are yet to solve this problem & definitely need machinery - so watch this space

Harry & Richard trying to put a round peg in a square hole!!

I finally got my downstairs toilet and chose to paint the wall a very dark grey called 'bowler hat' by Dulux; it was a risky move but think it sets my picture off superbly:

Richard commented that my previous blogs contain a lot of photographs of what I want the house to look like and not what it does look like - so I have taken more photos for this blog of the interior!

Many of the rooms are not finished but I hope you can start to get a feel of our living style? 

The study slowly becoming a study... 

The hall floor is well under way ...

Family bathroom

Guest ensuite bathroom...

Guest bedroom...

Master bedroom ...

Master bedroom ensuite yet to be fitted...

My cheeky drinks cabinet! Still can't find the key...

The kitchen 

The lounge ...
Still no dishwasher hinge...***

Well I hope that gives a little more flavour of our home, I'm now concentrating on getting ready for Christmas ....

...... see you in December

Wendi x 

*** dishwasher hinge update: would you believe it but my Great friend Milo from Munich has bought one for me in Germany!!  She is sending it to me in the post! How ridiculous that IKEA in the UK won't have any until February 2015??!! Amazing 😊